- Where did we come from?
- Well, I'll put it
this way... we just sorta crawled right out of the woodwork.
Cthulhu International is made up of fans of the writings of the
infamous Howard Phillips Lovecraft and the game companies that
produce Lovecraftian role-playing games such as; Call of Cthulhu
Dark Aeons: The Atlantean Chronicles (Stardust
CthulhuTech (WildFire
Delta Green (Pagan
Publishing) and many many others.
- What are we
I guess you could
call this our mission statement. We are the men, women, and
other assorted nuts and bolts who delight in reading the
writings of H.P. Lovecraft. We are the folks that go out of our
way to play in role-playing games that help to expand the
Cthulhu Mythos and Dark Universe that the great Mister Lovecraft
helped create. In many cases we are the ones that sometimes
successfully, but most times we are getting our assess kicked as
we continually fight for Truth, Justice, and the Mythos Way! We
are the kind people who fight the good fight and go insane
because of huge, ugly things with lots of tentacles that turn
our brains to jelly with but a single glance.
- What's inside?
- Within this website
you will find all sorts of odds and ends related to the Cthulhu
Mythos; ranging from fan created expansions for popular
Lovecraftian role-playing games, to short fiction, to product